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A Card Merely Thought Of - Thomas Baxter

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  • History & methods for this miracle in card magic
  • Mind reading at its purest
  • The card is not selected, not chosen, it's merely thought of

Thomas Baxter's book covers the methods and history of this much sought after effect, 'A Card Merely Thought Of''. It has to be one of the strongest effects in magic, a piece of pure mind reading, the spectator doesn't take choose a card, doesn't look at a card, they merely think of a card - it's the magician's job to find that card. Just imagine the situation, the card is not chosen, it's not cut to, not selected in any way - that's the situation you have with this effect and that's what this book is focused on achieving.

In this book, you have the author's own methods and discoveries along with his work on the history of the effect.
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