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Welcome to our Magic Shop

We are located in the historical hamlet of Clerkenwell, right in the heart of London and are open for visitors 5 days a week

Shop opening days & hours
Tuesday to Saturday: Open Midday until 5:30pm

Sunday & Monday: Closed

(Note: On Saturday 15th February, we shall be open between Midday & 4pm only) 

Our address is: International Magic, 89 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5BX


International Magic is a family business, operating from the same address in the centre of London for over 60 years. We carry a very large stock of magic tricks, books, tutorial DVDs, card and coin tricks and magic accessories for all levels of skill. We also have our exclusive range of streamed video available directly from this website. Once purchased, the video can instantly be watched. Check what's available here

Note: All shipped items are priced exclusive of VAT. Where appropriate, the tax is added to UK orders at checkout, overseas orders are checked out without tax being added.

We are near to many favourite Tourist Attractions - St Paul's Cathedral, Oxford Street, Covent Garden, the British Museum, West End Theatres and lots more.

So now London is once again open for visitors, put the Magic Shop on your must see list!

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