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Dove Pan / Chick Pan

£21.00 - £49.50
  • Ideal for the classic 'Bake A Cake' children's routine
  • Single or double load
  • Different size & style available

Note from Martin:

The Dove Pan is available as either a Single or Double Load - Double Load comprises of an extra load that is picked up using the lid after having emptying the first first load, enabling you to produce an entire new load. The Chick Pan works the same way as a Dove Pan, but is a much smaller size.
Dove Pan (shown in main picture) is approximately 6.5" (17cm) in diameter
Chick Pan (shown in 2nd picture) is approximately 4" (10cm) internal diameter
The Dove Pan is an all around excellent production pan. It's called dove pan because it originally was used for the production of a live dove. In actuality, almost anything can be produced from the pan: Ideal for the bake a cake magic trick (the routine for this is supplied).
(Note: Prices shown for all shipped items are excluding UK VAT. Overseas orders are shipped without VAT being added, UK orders will have VAT added at checkout where appropriate)
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