Magic Books
Our range of Magic Books
A Card Merely Thought Of - Thomas Baxter
£45.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- History & methods for this miracle in card magic
- Mind reading at its purest
- The card is not selected, not chosen, it's merely thought of
Routined Manipulation (parts 1+2) L. Ganson
Max Malini book - by Steve Cohen
£115.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- The definitive work on Max Malini
- Over 500 pages
- Previously unpublished photographs
- A touching biography
- Detailed descriptions of Malini's tricks & methods
- 200 instructional photographs
Duffie's Card Compulsions
Card Finesse - J. Racherbaumer
£40.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Moves & Routines
- Includes Marlo's Controlled Faro Riffle Shuffle
Memorandum - Woody Aragon
£50.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Ideas on the Stacked Deck
- Combining Tamariz & Aronson's Stacks to great effect
- A system to have you performing Memorized deck magic in 30 minutes
Royal Road To Card Magic - (Soft Back)
Al Schneider - Magic Book
New Modern Coin Magic - J B Bobo
£44.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Bobo's book with extra chapters
- A complete coin magic book
My Best - Various Artistes
£15.00Only 2 left!Shipped Product- 193 Tricks
- Each contributor's favourite trick
- Something for everyone
Card File Vol. 2 - Jerry Mentzer
£34.00Only 2 left!Shipped Product- A collection of Jerry Mentzer's card material
- Rare card magic
Asymptotes - Ben Blau
£75.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Mental magic using playing cards
- Previously closely guarded secrets revealed within these pages
- 18 amazing mental routines